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[ Radio Noir : On the Air, a Voice Like Dirty Honey Tells Stories Grim as Nightmares. If You Think Radio Is All Top 40, You Haven't Heard Joe Frank.] Jamie Diamond in the 'Los Angeles Times', 1987 November 22
<table border=0 width=900><tr><td><br>'''April 5, 1983'''<br>
''[ Joe Frank: Dramas With a Twist for NPR]''<br>
By Richard Harrington in '''The Washington Post'''
'''November 22, 1987'''<br>
''[ Radio Noir: On the Air, a Voice Like Dirty Honey Tells Stories Grim as Nightmares. If You Think Radio Is All Top 40, You Haven't Heard Joe Frank.]''<br>
By Jamie Diamond in '''Los Angeles Times'''
'''March 15, 1988'''<br>
''[ Radio's Prince of Darkness Rules the Freeways]<br>
By Kathleen Hughes in '''The Wall Street Journal'''
'''August 4, 1988'''<br>
''[ On Air: Joe Frank's Radio Makes Waves]''<br>
By Drew Wilson in '''Chicago Reader'''
'''September 1, 1989'''<br>
''[[Spin Magazine 1989 | Talk Radio: If video killed the radio star, why is Joe Frank alive?]]''<br>
By David Carpenter in '''Spin'''
'''March 22, 1989'''<br>
''[[Frankly, Joe's Branching Out]]''<br>
By Dick Lochte in '''Los Angeles Magazine'''
''[['Rent a Family' Pays Price for Taking on a Radio Play]]''<br>
By Sylvie Drake in '''Los Angeles Times'''
'''March 24, 1989'''<br>
''[[Rent a Family hits Home on Issue of Commitment]]''<br>
By Tom Stringer in '''Los Angeles Reader'''
'''April 25, 1989'''<br>
''[ Joe Frank Sets Radio Voice, Vision on Stage]''<br>
By Robert Koehler in '''Los Angeles Times'''
'''May 5–11, 1989'''<br>
''[[Mr. Insomnia | Mr. Insomnia - the art of high anxiety]]''<br>
By Steven Mikulan in '''LA Weekly'''
'''September 1, 1989'''<br>
''[[View from the top]]''<br>
By Kate Lynch in '''Penthouse'''

[[Radio's Prince of Darkness Rules the Freeways]] Kathleen Hughes in 'The Wall Street Journal', 1988 March 15
'''November 1, 1989'''<br>
''[[The Dark Progress of Joe Frank]] ''<br>
By Ralph Rugoff in '''LA Style'''
'''1990'''<br> ''[[Rob Bates interviews Joe for Boston Rock | &lsquo;One-armed guitarists and other &ldquo;Works in Progress&rdquo;&rsquo; - an interview with Joe]]''<br>Rob Bates&apos;s interview with Joe for &ldquo;Boston Rock&rdquo; - sometime in 1990 <br><br>

[  'On Air: Joe Frank's radio makes waves'] Drew Wilson in the 'Chicago Reader' 1988 August 4
'''April 1, 1990'''<br>
''[[Press release, KCRW 1990 April]]''<br>
From '''KCRW'''

[[Spin Magazine 1989 | If video killed the radio star, why is Joe Frank alive?]] asks <i>Spin</i>'s David Carpenter in 1989
'''1991 January'''<br>''[[Irwin Chusid interviews Joe for WFMU | Irwin Chusid interviews Joe Frank for WFMU, 1991 January]]''<br><br>

[[Frankly, Joe's Branching Out]] by Dick Lochte, 'Los Angeles Magazine' 1989 March

[['Rent a Family' Pays Price for Taking on a Radio Play]] by Sylvie Drake in the 'Los Angeles Times', 1989 March 22
''[[Douglas Mcgowan's interview of Joe]]''<br>
By Douglas McGowan
'''August 29, 1997'''<br>
''[[Signing off | Signing off: Joe Frank is Off the Air]]''<br>
By Steve Lowery in '''LA Weekly'''

[[Rent a Family hits Home on Issue of Commitment]] by Tom Stringer in the 'Los Angeles Reader', 1989 March 24
'''late 1998 - early 1999'''<br>''[[Jeff Rice writes about Joe for the SF Weekly | &lsquo;Joe Frank - Voice of Darkness&rsquo;]]'' Jeff Rice's article about Joe for <i>SF Weekly</i><br><br>

[ Joe Frank Sets Radio Voice, Vision on Stage] by Robert Koehler for the 'Los Angeles Times' 1989 April 25
'''March 7, 2000'''<br>
''[;Public radio's bad dream&rsquo;]''<br>
By Susan Emerling in '''Salon'''<br>
''Joe Frank conjures up the nightmares that "This American Life" and "Prairie Home Companion" have when they go home at night.''

[[Mr. Insomnia | Mr. Insomnia - the art of high anxiety]]  by Steven Mikulan for the 'Los Angeles Weekly', 1989 May 5-11
'''early 2003'''<br>''[[Katherine Wessling's interview with Joe for Speak magazine | Katherine Wessling&apos;s interview with Joe for &lsquo;Speak&rsquo; magazine, early 2003]]<br><br>
[[View from the top]] by Kate Lynch for 'Penthouse', 1989 September
'''June 26, 2005'''<br>
''[  Joe Frank, Radio&apos;s Brilliant Purveyor of Postmodern Noir, Has Been in the Hospital]''<br>
[[The Dark Progress of Joe Frank]] by Ralph Rugoff for 'LA Style', 1989 November
By Andrew Hearst
[[Press release, KCRW 1990 April]]
'''May 27, 2008'''<br>
[[Douglas Mcgowan's interview of Joe]]
''['t%20our,Joe%20Frank's%201982%20monologue%20Lies%3F Mid-&apos;80s Martin Scorsese Classic Also His Best Accidental NPR Rip-Off]''<br>
From '''Gawker'''
[[Signing off | Signing off: Joe Frank is Off the Air]] by Steve Lowery for the 'Los Angeles Weekly', 1997 August 29
[  'Public radio's bad dream'] by Susan Emerling for 'Salon', 2000 March 7 'Joe Frank conjures up the nightmares that "This American Life" and "A Prairie Home Companion" have when they go home at night.'
''[ The Scandalous Origins of Martin Scorsese&apos;s <i>After Hours</i>]''<br>
By Andrew Hearst
[  Joe Frank, Radio's Brilliant Purveyor of Postmodern Noir, Has Been in the Hospital] by Andrew Hearst, 2005 June 26
[ Mid-'80s Martin Scorsese Classic Also His Best Accidental NPR Rip-Off] from 'Gawker', 2008 May 27
'''September 17, 2008'''<br>
''[  Joe Frank: off the radio]''<br>
[ The Scandalous Origins of Martin Scorsese's <i>After Hours</i>] by Andrew Hearst 2008 May 27
By Kristine McKenna in '''LA Weekly'''
[  Joe Frank: off the radio] by Kristine McKenna for the 'Los Angeles Weekly', 2008 September 17
'''February 2, 2011'''<br>
[  On the Media: Joe Frank gets personal] by James Rainey for the 'Los Angeles Times', 2011 February 2 'The radio dramatist explains where some of this darkness comes from (but won't get into particulars on why he left KCRW.)'
''[  On the Media: Joe Frank gets personal]''<br>
By James Rainey in '''Los Angeles Times'''<br>
[ Goldstein's interview with Joe] for <i>The Believer</i>, 2013 March/April
''The radio dramatist explains where some of this darkness comes from (but won't get into particulars on why he left KCRW).''
[  LA Observed Notes: Joe Frank RIP] by Kevin Roderick for 'LA Observed', 2018 January 16
'''March/April 2013'''<br>
[ Madeleine Brand remembers Joe on KCRW's 'Press Play'], 2018 January 16
''[ Jonathan Goldstein&apos;s interview with Joe]''<br>
By Jonathan Goldstein in '''The Believer'''
[  KCRW remembers radio artist Joe Frank] By Avishay Artsy, 2018 January 18
[ Joe Frank Signs Off] by Mark Oppenheimer for 'Slate', published 2018 January 19
'''January 16, 2018'''<br>
''[  LA Observed Notes: Joe Frank RIP]''
[ Joe Frank: The Known-Unknown] Brooke Gladstone remembers Joe in 'On the media', 2018 January 19
By Kevin Roderick in '''LA Observed'''
[ Joe Frank, Spinner of Strange Radio Tales, Is Dead at 79] by Richard Sandomir for the 'New York Times' 2018 January 19
[ Joe Frank, who pushed the boundaries of radio storytelling, dies at 79] by Steve Marble for the 'Los Angeles Times', 2018 January 24
''[ Madeleine Brand remembers Joe on KCRW&apos;s &lsquo;Press Play&rsquo;]''<br>
By Madeleine Brand on '''KCRW'''
[ In Memoriam: The Real Joe Frank] Esm&eacute; Gregson remembers Joe for 'The Argonaut Newsweekly', 2018 January 31
I thank [ Simson Garfinkel] who keeps a page of
'''January 18, 2018'''<br>
articles about Joe, apparently scans into a PDF
''[  KCRW remembers radio artist Joe Frank]''<br>
[ the Joe Frank pdf], as the
By Avishay Artsy on '''KCRW'''
only source for some of these articles.
'''January 19, 2018'''<br>
''[ Fans of Joe Frank remember the storyteller’s dark sonic magic]<br>
By Jon Kalish in '''Current'''
'''January 25, 2018'''<br>
''[ Joe Frank, Radio Host and Producer, 79]''<br>
By Avishay Artsy in '''Jewish Journal'''
''[  Joe Frank and football uniforms]''<br>
By Frances Anderton on '''KCRW'''<br>
''KCRW's Frances Anderton gets Joe's opinions about football uniforms.''
'''January 19, 2018'''<br>
''[ &lsquo;Joe Frank Signs Off&rsquo;]''<br>
By Mark Oppenheimer in '''Slate'''<br>
''Joe's final interview.''
''[ Joe Frank: The Known-Unknown]''<br>
By Brooke Gladstone on '''On the Media'''
''[ &lsquo;Joe Frank, Spinner of Strange Radio Tales, Is Dead at 79&rsquo;]''<br>
By James Rainey in '''Los Angeles Times'''
'''January 24, 2018'''<br>
''[ &lsquo;Joe Frank, who pushed the boundaries of radio storytelling, dies at 79&rsquo;]''<br>
By Steve Marble in '''Los Angeles Times'''
'''January 31, 2018'''<br>
''[ &lsquo;In Memoriam: The Real Joe Frank&rsquo;]''<br>
By Esmé Gregson in '''The Argonaut Newsweekly'''</TD>
<td valign=top>
[[File:TalkRadio IfVideoKilledTheRadioStarWhyIsJoeFrankStillAlive SpinMagazine-198909.jpeg]]<br>
''Spin Magazine, September 1, 1989''
'''Special Thanks'''<br>
I thank [ Simson Garfinkel], who maintains a page of articles about Joe Frank and provides scanned [ PDFs] as the only source for some of these articles.

Latest revision as of 11:53, 25 October 2024

April 5, 1983

Joe Frank: Dramas With a Twist for NPR
By Richard Harrington in The Washington Post

November 22, 1987
Radio Noir: On the Air, a Voice Like Dirty Honey Tells Stories Grim as Nightmares. If You Think Radio Is All Top 40, You Haven't Heard Joe Frank.
By Jamie Diamond in Los Angeles Times

March 15, 1988
Radio's Prince of Darkness Rules the Freeways
By Kathleen Hughes in The Wall Street Journal

August 4, 1988
On Air: Joe Frank's Radio Makes Waves
By Drew Wilson in Chicago Reader

September 1, 1989
Talk Radio: If video killed the radio star, why is Joe Frank alive?
By David Carpenter in Spin

March 22, 1989
Frankly, Joe's Branching Out
By Dick Lochte in Los Angeles Magazine

'Rent a Family' Pays Price for Taking on a Radio Play
By Sylvie Drake in Los Angeles Times

March 24, 1989
Rent a Family hits Home on Issue of Commitment
By Tom Stringer in Los Angeles Reader

April 25, 1989
Joe Frank Sets Radio Voice, Vision on Stage
By Robert Koehler in Los Angeles Times

May 5–11, 1989
Mr. Insomnia - the art of high anxiety
By Steven Mikulan in LA Weekly

September 1, 1989
View from the top
By Kate Lynch in Penthouse

November 1, 1989
The Dark Progress of Joe Frank
By Ralph Rugoff in LA Style

‘One-armed guitarists and other “Works in Progress”’ - an interview with Joe
Rob Bates's interview with Joe for “Boston Rock” - sometime in 1990

April 1, 1990
Press release, KCRW 1990 April

1991 January
Irwin Chusid interviews Joe Frank for WFMU, 1991 January

Douglas Mcgowan's interview of Joe
By Douglas McGowan

August 29, 1997
Signing off: Joe Frank is Off the Air
By Steve Lowery in LA Weekly

late 1998 - early 1999
‘Joe Frank - Voice of Darkness’ Jeff Rice's article about Joe for SF Weekly

March 7, 2000
‘Public radio's bad dream’
By Susan Emerling in Salon
Joe Frank conjures up the nightmares that "This American Life" and "Prairie Home Companion" have when they go home at night.

early 2003
Katherine Wessling's interview with Joe for ‘Speak’ magazine, early 2003

June 26, 2005
Joe Frank, Radio's Brilliant Purveyor of Postmodern Noir, Has Been in the Hospital
By Andrew Hearst

May 27, 2008
Mid-'80s Martin Scorsese Classic Also His Best Accidental NPR Rip-Off
From Gawker

The Scandalous Origins of Martin Scorsese's After Hours
By Andrew Hearst

September 17, 2008
Joe Frank: off the radio
By Kristine McKenna in LA Weekly

February 2, 2011
On the Media: Joe Frank gets personal
By James Rainey in Los Angeles Times
The radio dramatist explains where some of this darkness comes from (but won't get into particulars on why he left KCRW).

March/April 2013
Jonathan Goldstein's interview with Joe
By Jonathan Goldstein in The Believer

January 16, 2018
LA Observed Notes: Joe Frank RIP
By Kevin Roderick in LA Observed

Madeleine Brand remembers Joe on KCRW's ‘Press Play’
By Madeleine Brand on KCRW

January 18, 2018
KCRW remembers radio artist Joe Frank
By Avishay Artsy on KCRW

January 19, 2018
Fans of Joe Frank remember the storyteller’s dark sonic magic
By Jon Kalish in Current

January 25, 2018
Joe Frank, Radio Host and Producer, 79
By Avishay Artsy in Jewish Journal

Joe Frank and football uniforms
By Frances Anderton on KCRW
KCRW's Frances Anderton gets Joe's opinions about football uniforms.

January 19, 2018
‘Joe Frank Signs Off’
By Mark Oppenheimer in Slate
Joe's final interview.

Joe Frank: The Known-Unknown
By Brooke Gladstone on On the Media

‘Joe Frank, Spinner of Strange Radio Tales, Is Dead at 79’
By James Rainey in Los Angeles Times

January 24, 2018
‘Joe Frank, who pushed the boundaries of radio storytelling, dies at 79’
By Steve Marble in Los Angeles Times

January 31, 2018
‘In Memoriam: The Real Joe Frank’

By Esmé Gregson in The Argonaut Newsweekly

Spin Magazine, September 1, 1989

Special Thanks
I thank Simson Garfinkel, who maintains a page of articles about Joe Frank and provides scanned PDFs as the only source for some of these articles.