Talk:The Joe Frank Music Page

From The Joe Frank Wiki
Revision as of 16:01, 11 March 2021 by Ramon (talk | contribs)

For reference, the static music page is here:

JF Music Page

This page is generated dynamically from the Show pages, pulling in all included data in the == Music == sections

The new Airdate template still needs to be populated for most shows. it looks like:

{{Airdate|airdate=1979}} when we only have the year
{{Airdate|airdate=1979-10}} when we only have the year & month
This Airdate will be displayed in the parentheses to the right of the show title. 

The list is sorted by a new Category: Show_by_date, which looks like this:


For sorting shows where we only have broadcast years I will use the month 00 and the day number will be the sequence we want them to appear in, reflecting Richard's FAQ.

Middle Of Nowhere Part 1 Show_by_date= 19870004
Middle Of Nowhere Part 2 Show_by_date= 19870005
Middle Of Nowhere Part 3 Show_by_date= 19870006

Will present them in order, in 1987

For those few shows that we know year and month but not day I will use year-month-00, with 00 for the day.
So: Summer Pledge Drive 1987 Show_by_date = 19870800

This will allow us to sort using the Show_by_date category without putting actual incorrect dates in for shows. Where ever we don't know the exact date, either the day or month will be 00.

A smarter man would do a regex search-and-replace on the Show_by_date to create the needed Airdate code, but I am going to enter them manually so as to not blow anything up.

The Dynamic Page List module is finicky, so I had to remove all trailing spaces from the wikicode, ie

 {{Sex (The Necks) }}

has to be :
{{Sex (The Necks)}}

html comments on their own line and extra CRs at the end of the == Music == section also effect how it displays here.

Additional work to be done includes hiding the footnotes and Category listing at the bottom of the mobile page.

Trying to figure out if I can do this without the dynamic music page ending up in every category.

"The Dawn" was recorded in the early 90's

Per one of the producers, Jonathon More, when asked if it was from an earlier recording:

"Ha Thanks 🙏 yes. I found the old vocal samples but pretty sure everything else was programmed by Paul & us then PC (Patrick Carpenter) mixed it. Though it does sound a bit like an obscure new age 80’s synth track so could see why it would cause confusion. Peace Jon."