
From The Joe Frank Wiki
Revision as of 12:49, 4 March 2021 by Rash (talk | contribs) (Added bio)

I am Richard Looney. For reasons I won't go into here, "Rash" has been my nickname since High School. I started the Joe Frank FAQ on Usenet in the very early days of the internet, based on notes I'd been taking since the late 1980s, when I lived in LA and Joe was on KCRW every week.

I first heard Joe Frank on Halloween, 1979, when I still lived in my hometown of Washington DC. There were two public radio stations serving the area then, and I knew All Things Considered was repeated on the one, 90 minutes after the other. On this date they played something remarkable, at the end of the news: The Night Watchman, from Lies. It was so weird, well-done and thought-provoking, I readied my cassette deck an hour later, and recorded it during the repeat. Unfortunately I wasn't in time to catch the preceding, explanatory comments, so I had no idea about what I'd captured; but it was a favorite in my audio collection.

Ten years later I had moved to Southern California, still getting used to the public radio out there. KCRW was playing in the other room, late one afternoon in October, when I was stunned to realize I was hearing a familiar voice! It was the premiere of At The Border, and I was amazed to learn the Night Watchman had a radio show, with new material, every week! So naturally I started recording his shows, logging details as they were broadcast. At the time, KCRW sold audio cassettes of his shows, and I mailed to them for details. The listing they sent me, which labeled each show as either a Drama or Monologue, was the basis and origin of the FAQ.

I'm no longer clear on the development details but eventually, Henry Lowengard hosted my FAQ on WFMU's website, where it still lives today. Early on, many forgotten contributors helped identify the music Joe used, which I added to each program's details, along with the credits given at the end of each show. About the time Joe went commercial and started up, since so many new shows were just rehashes of previous material, I lost interest and moved on. I did meet Joe twice, however - at his Live At Market Street (where a friend was a waiter, so I had an "in") and later, at his book-signing for [The Queen of Puerto Rico], at Book Soup on the Sunset Strip, in 1993.