Talk:Bad Faith

From The Joe Frank Wiki


My goodness. This is a special program. Touching conversations, gripping and compelling monologues. The news stories connected me with some issues I feel strongly about, such as: a) there is unimaginable suffering and evil in the world, both manmade and natural; b) corporations and the powerful are making this worse, enriching and empowering themselves at the expense of the less powerful and the environment; c) the media are oblivious or (worse) supportive of this status quo. I rant and rave about this in more detail on my personal web site. Wow, intense. Thank you, Joe, for giving voice to so much that bums me out about the state of our society. And the Huffington story? Priceless! And having Lester on the phone was great. His relationship with Joe is different from Larry's: it's clear that Joe has a respect for Lester that makes for what sounds like a conversation among equals.

I'm reminded how frequently I find that I don't understand the titles Joe chooses for his programs until the very end. "Bad Faith": Joe's faith, in his own view at least, has truly gone bad. I have my own firm opinions about the big questions of life, chief of which may be: "if there is no benevolent, all-powerful God (which seems likely given all the world's needless suffering), what is our purpose for being here?" I believe the answer is simple and self contained: since it appears likely that there is not a benevolent, all-powerful God who is interested in our success, we must make our own purpose in life, and we will all benefit if we make the experience of other beings in the universe more tolerable. Check out what David Hartman said about this.