Talk:On The Edge (Remix)

From The Joe Frank Wiki

JF has a thing about dirty toilets. There's another program where he rails against an engineer at KCRW for leaving behind a dirty toilet. Perhaps it was Fire. Spblat 16:26, 5 Feb 2005 (PST)

This passage is repeated in other programs also. Then there's the airport toilet flood story, and the discussion with Debi about automated self-cleaning outhouses. On the whole, there seems to be rather a surprising amount of toilet hygene discussion in Joe's work. Shiro 18:54, 14 May 2005 (PDT)

The previous stub synopsis mentioned a Paul Simon loop. Is there one? I sure didn't recognize it, although I wasn't paying too much attention. Shiro 18:54, 14 May 2005 (PDT)